Sunday, November 2, 2014

Howie Hawkins for Governor

By Matthew Dunn

                For as interested in politics as I am, I don’t always vote.  Many times I find voting to be a waste of time.  It seems as though even when I do vote I’m not tremendously excited about any particular candidate.  As a person of the left, when I have voted, I’ve always voted Democratic.  I was passionate about John Kerry in 2004, because I thought we need to get anybody but Bush.  However, it seems as though the Democrats are really not any better.  I wanted not to believe this for the longest time, but the presidency of Barack Obama, and the governorship of Andrew Cuomo have changed me.
Obama has been president now since 2008, and his two signature policies are right wing in nature.  His health plan, was compromised from the start, and gives a tremendous boost to insurance companies, which specialize in denying coverage (this became obvious to me, after I was diagnosed with leukemia.  I was diagnosed at one hospital that did not have an oncology department so they had to transfer me to another.  An ambulance was arranged for the transport.  The insurance company did not pay for the transport initially, and it took months of fighting in order to get that resolved.)  In addition to this, Obamacare as it is popularly known is known to have its roots with President Nixon, and was also promoted by the right-wing Heritage Foundation.  Obama’s other signature policies are in the war on terror.  Obama has expanded the war on terror both with the amount of foreign attacks, especially by drones, and also with the expanding national security state.  Needless to say his talk of peace and diplomacy seems to have gone by the wayside during his presidency.
Cuomo, now governor since 2010, has also seemingly promoted a general right wing agenda.  For years now on television the governor has promoted a business plan that offers no taxes to businesses that move to New York State for several years.  He also comes down on the side of right wing educational policies with his support of charter schools and greater school testing. 
So for these reasons and more I will no longer be voting for the lesser of two evils.  The Democrats will not get a dime of support or any votes from me, until they start to pursue a genuine progressive agenda, and not just mouth sugary platitudes.  The Green Party is the only party that is committed to environmental justice and worker’s rights.  I am starting by voting for their candidate, Howie Hawkins, for governor this year.  He probably won’t win, and I may be wasting my vote, but a vote for Democrats is a waste too. 

If you are interested in finding out more about Howie Hawkins and the Green Party you can visit this website.